Tag: Buyer Tips

Posted on 06/11/2023
How to approach homebuying challenges
The homebuying journey often comes with many hurdles -...
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Posted on 06/20/2021
Home Buyer: Inspection or No Inspection
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay As you move forward with your home purchase, your real estate agent may recommend that you have your home inspected. Sometimes the inspection is required by the lender or insurance company, but sometimes it’s an optional step. Buyers who have the option sometimes consider skipping the inspection to save a little cash....
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Posted on 01/24/2021
Key Issues to Address Before You Purchase a Home
If you intend to purchase a house soon, it helps to prepare for the home buying journey. In fact, if you identify potential issues before you start your quest to find your dream home, you could avoid them during your property search. Now, let's take a look at three common issues that plague homebuyers, along with tips to address...
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Posted on 12/20/2020
Should You Consult with Family Members Before You Buy a House?
Let's face it – the mere thought of informing family members about your decision to pursue a new home may cause your blood pressure to rise. However, there are many reasons why it often is beneficial to notify family members about your decision to kick off a search for a new residence. These reasons include: 1. You can identify...
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Posted on 10/04/2020
Are There Property Buying Shortcuts That Actually Work?
Finding and purchasing a home sometimes can be difficult, particularly for an individual who encounters assorted challenges throughout the property buying journey. Lucky for you, there are several shortcuts that a homebuyer can use to streamline the property buying process. These shortcuts include: 1. Narrow Your Home Search If you know you want to buy a home, you should...
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Posted on 09/06/2020
Tips to Avoid a Homebuying Dilemma
No one wants to face a homebuying dilemma. Yet problems may arise during the homebuying journey that make it tough for an individual to find and buy his or her dream residence. Lucky for you, we're here to help you prepare for potential homebuying dilemmas and ensure you can quickly address these issues. Now, let's take a look at...
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Posted on 05/31/2020
When Should You Buy a Residence?
The right time to purchase a home varies from person to person. Meanwhile, buying a house is one of the biggest decisions an individual may make in his or her lifetime. As such, it is important to weigh your options closely to determine if now if the right time to buy a house. There are several things you can...
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Posted on 05/17/2020
Perform an In-Depth Property Search
Conducting an in-depth home search may prove to be difficult, particularly for individuals with limited time and resources at their disposal. Fortunately, there are lots of things that you can do to streamline your home search and discover your ideal residence without delay. Now, let's take a look at three tips to help you seamlessly navigate the homebuying journey....
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Posted on 04/05/2020
Services to Set Up Before You Move Into Your New House
If you recently bought a house, congratulations! Now, you just need to pack up your belongings, finalize your home purchase and relocate to your new address. You also may want to set up the following services prior to completing your move: 1. Electric What good is a new house that lacks electricity? Fortunately, if you contact the electric company...
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Posted on 03/08/2020
Are You Prepared to Buy a Residence?
Purchasing a home is a life-changing decision, and as such, should not be taken lightly. Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to prepare for the homebuying journey, such as: 1. Determine Where You Want to Live There is no shortage of high-quality houses available across the United States. Now, you just need to determine where you...
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Posted on 11/17/2019
Ready to Buy a House: Financial Things to Consider
Photo by Fizkes via Shutterstock Few things are more exciting than buying a house and making it your home. Knowing when it’s the right time to buy derives from your personal circumstances, but some external elements and market realities affect when it’s right to buy too. Here are some of the things that can affect your decision to...
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Posted on 10/13/2019
Do You Need a Property Buying Plan?
If you want to enjoy a seamless homebuying experience, it generally is a good idea to establish a property buying plan. That way, you can take a step-by-step approach to make your homeownership dream come true. As you prepare a homebuying strategy, there are several factors to consider. These factors include: 1. Your Dream Home Definition There is no...
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