5 Reasons for Building Green

by BILLY H OGILVIE 07/21/2019

Building an eco-friendly home has a lot of advantages. Apart from the environmental benefits, it helps you save money and time. It also protects your health.

Here are five important reasons for building green:

Reduce Environmental Impact. The use of renewable and energy-efficient materials minimizes environmental impact. It significantly reduces pollution. A green home produces a reduced carbon footprint via efficient energy use. Apart from being energy efficient, it also limits the amount of waste going to landfills and minimizes the effect of new constructions on limited world resources. 

Save Time. Another reason why it is necessary to build green is that it saves you time. It saves construction time when you make use of the right eco-friendly material. When you buy materials that are available locally, you save cost and also reduce your carbon footprint by minimizing the use of fuel that would have been used in shipping your building materials. Apart from that, your building materials will be available quickly and reliably. 

Save Money. You save money when you use a recycled or secondhand material for your construction. Majority of energy saving appliances cost more than their traditional counterparts but, you will discover that it pays on the long run because the savings will come later in the form of reduced energy bills. Long-lasting construction alternatives will help save a lot of money that would have been spent on reconstruction or repairs. 

Protect your Health. Several conventional building materials are not optimal for the health of residents. For instance, volatile organic compounds can cause cancer. These volatile organic compounds are present in many building materials, paint, as well as indoor products like mattresses and cleaning materials. Also, many conventional building materials promote the build-up of moisture which is dangerous because it can lead to mold or mildew problems. Understand that both molds and volatile organic compounds can cause outdoor pollution challenges.

Improves Resale Value. If you have the intention of selling your property in the future, building green is a way of getting a better resale value of your home. Apart from the increase in resale value, the building will be sold out quickly without having to wait for several months for a buyer.

Contact a home contractor for your options for building a green home today.

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Buying a home is a huge investment.  Do you trust the investment of your hard earned money to someone who does not have the experience to protect you from loss?  Knowledge of the market is a prerequisite to wise choices.  Understanding the emotion of the business is essential to balance options.  Experience brings it all together for YOUR benefit.