Key Signs You Likely Will Receive an Offer to Purchase Soon

by BILLY H OGILVIE 10/08/2018

As a home seller, it is important to do everything possible to generate interest in your residence. That way, it won't take long to start receiving offers to purchase after you list your home.

There are many signs that homebuyers may soon submit offers to purchase your residence, and these signs include:

1. Buyers are setting up home showings.

Even a single home showing is a positive sign for a home seller. And if you find that buyers are submitting regular requests to view your residence, it may be only a matter of time before you receive many offers to purchase your house.

Typically, it helps to be flexible when you sell your house. If you make it simple for buyers to view your house at their convenience, you may increase the likelihood that the right buyer will check out your home and submit an offer to buy it.

2. The same buyers have viewed your house multiple times.

An interested homebuyer may request to view your house more than once. In this instance, you may receive an offer to purchase from this buyer sooner rather than later.

As always, it pays to accommodate as many home showing requests as possible. If you make it easy for a buyer to view your residence multiple times, you can help him or her make an informed decision about whether to submit an offer to purchase your home.

3. Buyers have lots of questions about your house.

A home showing gives property buyers an opportunity to check out your house in-person. It also may lead these buyers to reach out to you for additional information about your home.

Remember, you should be ready to provide homebuyers with as much information as you can about your residence. If you offer homebuyers the information they request, you can help them determine whether your house is the right choice based on their individual needs.

For home sellers who want to go above and beyond the call of duty to stir up interest in a house, it may be beneficial to hire a real estate agent. In fact, a real estate agent will help a seller navigate the property selling journey and achieve the optimal results.

First, a real estate agent will meet with a house seller and set the stage for a successful property selling experience. He or she will offer insights into the local housing market and help a seller establish a competitive price for a residence. Then, a real estate agent will schedule house showings and open house events. And if a seller receives an offer to purchase, a real estate agent can recommend whether this individual should accept, decline or counter the proposal.

Want to streamline the house selling journey? Work with a real estate agent – you'll be happy you did. If you employ a real estate agent, you can get the help you need to showcase your residence to potential buyers and maximize your house sale earnings.

About the Author


Buying a home is a huge investment.  Do you trust the investment of your hard earned money to someone who does not have the experience to protect you from loss?  Knowledge of the market is a prerequisite to wise choices.  Understanding the emotion of the business is essential to balance options.  Experience brings it all together for YOUR benefit.